Join Student Stress Buster NOW and get the first 30 days FREE.

Take a look around. There are 6 programs with over 240 tools and resources for you to use. Learn to make all mental health problems optional.

Make Stress Optional

I want to introduce you to The Stress Nexus. For many people University life is easy. But, for most it has elements of stress in pressure to perform and pressure to conform. The Stress Nexus explains why you experience stress and also what you can do about it. Let's make stress optional.


You must use your University or College email to be eligible for the deal and to join Student Stress Buster. Non official accounts are deleted.

Let me explain the true nature of anxiety.

Once you have watched this video, you will realise that anxiety is little more than a combination of habits of thought and emotion coupled with a few well worn brain processes that keep creating anxiety for you. I know that Anxiety 101 will genuinely open your eyes and start you on the journey out of anxiety.


Join Student Stress Buster before 1st September 2020 and get the first 3 months free.


"Student Stress Buster was always there when I needed that something extra to help me cope with the stress of University life. The information is helpful and it's as if it was written for me! I could really identify with some of the case studies and I found the practical tools really helpful especially during exams. "

2nd Year in Biology

"Student Stress Buster is brilliant. I used the Get on top of GAD program and I cut my anxiety score by half in two weeks. I am not going to stop now. Thank you Dr Purves."

Graduated 2:1 in History

"Student Stress Buster got my attention from the get go. It's really interesting and helpful. It let's me move along at my own pace and its completely private. I've learned a lot about how to manage my worry, and really I hardly worry at all now. When I do I use the stop and that takes care of it. I always come back to it when I need to know how to manage something if I find my automatic brain kicking in too much."

1st Year Politics

"I have been using Dr Purves's programs since before I got into Uni. If it wasn't for Anxiety Wizard and Panic Pit Stop I don't think I would have got the grades. So thank you. I am happy to support you."

Year 1 successfully completed.

Join Student Stress Buster NOW and get the first 30 days FREE.

Take a look around. There are 6 programs with over 260 tools and resources for you to use. Learn to make all mental health problems optional.

You can now get Student Stress Buster on your phone or tablet. Just go to and download the free Kajabi app. 

What is Kajabi?

It's the platform I use to host Student Stress Buster.

Once you download the free Kajabi app, just sign in with your University or college sign up email and that's it!

With the new mobile app feature, you'll be able to access everything. The app also automatically saves your progress, even when you switch between sessions and devices.


Download the Kajabi app here

50% Complete

Two Step

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